Sunday, July 31, 2011

In your opinion, how has war evolved from the past to present?

Question: In your opinion, how has war evolved from the past to present? Please use examples to justify your opinions.

War has been fought for countless of years. As the years goes by, war has evolved, bringing in more and more weapons of mass destruction, which can be seen from where bring used their bare hands to knives to guns and to nuclear weapons. As the weapons in war gradually get more powerful, more people are harmed. Lets imagine this situation, if a army of 100,000 with just their bare hands and knives versus an army of 1000 equipped with high tech weapons, which will win? The answer is obvious, of course the army of 1000 will win, thus TECHNOLOGY is the one which cause war to evolved from the past to the present. An example can be seen from World War 2 against Japan. At first, it was a hard fight between America and Japan, but after nuclear bombs where introduced in the war, the Japanese surrendered in fight. However, an estimated 75,000 people lay dead, and the nature of war had changed, presumably forever.

However, technology did not change the nature of war. War remained what it had been since the time when the first band of cavemen, carrying sticks and stones, went out to attack its neighbor. It was still as brutal as before, or maybe even worse. Technology was used to advance or defend the interests of the group or organization that waged it, it also remained an instrument of politics. All this was as true in 2000 BCE, and presumably 50,000 BCE, as it was in 1945.

1 comment:

  1. Good attempt at using the analogy of the 100,000 and 1,000 soldiers. However, such analogies are usually not convincing. You need to explain in clearer detail. I think you probably tried to use the war between America and Japan as an example, however, you could give more details like the number of soldiers in America and Japan to make the argument more convincing.
