This is an open letter to the education minister written by a secondary four student who will be taking her sec 4 'O' Level examination this year.
To what extend do you agree with the issues the student has raised here? Point out some issues of agreement and possible contention.
I agree to a large extent. Since I entered school, most of my school teachers, had been stressing on getting good marks in examinations. As years past, it was getting boring due to the fact that we are only learning what our teachers are teaching and not what we want to learn and explore. I personally feel that there is no point in studying a subject that do not interest you as you would not be able to give it your best. In primary school, teachers only teach what is necessary to get good grades for the exam, but is't the role of a teacher is to spur and encourage their students to learn more about the subject. During my school days, when I ask a question that is related to the topic, but at a higher level, my teacher would tell me that it is not required in my examinations and if i would like to find out, I have to do it alone. What is the point of teachers, if they failed to do their duty of answering the questions of their students?
Examine her tone and attitude in this letter. Do you think it’s a well-crafted letter with the appropriate tone?
Yes, I think it is a very well-crafted letter as it is formal, yet firm. She is able to bring out her points without being to harsh. However, if we observe closely, we can sense that the she is trying to keep down her frustration on the Singapore's education. Despite her frustration, she still managed to be polite.
If you should write a letter to Minister of Education, what are some issues you would raise? Remember- your intention is to make the system better for society's betterment via CONSTRUCTIVE ideas.
Firstly, I feel that students should be allowed to choose what subject they would like to be focus more on. This will help them to be more interested in the subject that they choose. They will be able to explore higher levels of their subject, thus bringing their knowledge of the subject to a higher level. Students should be given a lesson to do their own research at the library or using the school internet.
Next, I believed that schools should promote the student's mother tongue. As generations past, lesser people feel that their mother-tongue are of used in their future as more people are speaking with English as a mean to communicate with each other. Also, mother-tongue help to emphasis on traditions and moral value. From this we can see that mother-tongue is indeed important to students.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
In your opinion, is money important in a relationship?
I do not think that money is that important in a relationship to a certain extent. And why is that so? If money is important in a relationship, does that mean that the richest people in the world have the best relationship with their partners? There am many scandals involving the rich. I believed that the most important in a relationship is true love. If the couple have true love for each other, the relationship will be very good as they will have genuine trust between them.For example in today's society, we can see teenagers having a relationship with each other. Both sides value love than money as both tend to be not very rich. Their togetherness tells us there they have genuine love for each other.
However, to make a relationship successful, money too have a role to play. If both couples are unable to feed themselves, even though they have true love for each other, there will face obstacles in their relationship. Also, money is important in a relationship as it is the source for luxuries. In the present society, few young couples tend to settle for a simple life. An example can be seen from younger people starting a relationship with people of a much older age who have lots of money. Are they doing it for money? Or are they doing it for love? Most would say that they are doing it for money as most people would like to marry someone of their same age.
In conclusion, I think that to make a good relationship, they must have true love( the most important) and enough money to get by in their life.
However, to make a relationship successful, money too have a role to play. If both couples are unable to feed themselves, even though they have true love for each other, there will face obstacles in their relationship. Also, money is important in a relationship as it is the source for luxuries. In the present society, few young couples tend to settle for a simple life. An example can be seen from younger people starting a relationship with people of a much older age who have lots of money. Are they doing it for money? Or are they doing it for love? Most would say that they are doing it for money as most people would like to marry someone of their same age.
In conclusion, I think that to make a good relationship, they must have true love( the most important) and enough money to get by in their life.
In your opinion, how has war evolved from the past to present?
Question: In your opinion, how has war evolved from the past to present? Please use examples to justify your opinions.
War has been fought for countless of years. As the years goes by, war has evolved, bringing in more and more weapons of mass destruction, which can be seen from where bring used their bare hands to knives to guns and to nuclear weapons. As the weapons in war gradually get more powerful, more people are harmed. Lets imagine this situation, if a army of 100,000 with just their bare hands and knives versus an army of 1000 equipped with high tech weapons, which will win? The answer is obvious, of course the army of 1000 will win, thus TECHNOLOGY is the one which cause war to evolved from the past to the present. An example can be seen from World War 2 against Japan. At first, it was a hard fight between America and Japan, but after nuclear bombs where introduced in the war, the Japanese surrendered in fight. However, an estimated 75,000 people lay dead, and the nature of war had changed, presumably forever.
However, technology did not change the nature of war. War remained what it had been since the time when the first band of cavemen, carrying sticks and stones, went out to attack its neighbor. It was still as brutal as before, or maybe even worse. Technology was used to advance or defend the interests of the group or organization that waged it, it also remained an instrument of politics. All this was as true in 2000 BCE, and presumably 50,000 BCE, as it was in 1945.
War has been fought for countless of years. As the years goes by, war has evolved, bringing in more and more weapons of mass destruction, which can be seen from where bring used their bare hands to knives to guns and to nuclear weapons. As the weapons in war gradually get more powerful, more people are harmed. Lets imagine this situation, if a army of 100,000 with just their bare hands and knives versus an army of 1000 equipped with high tech weapons, which will win? The answer is obvious, of course the army of 1000 will win, thus TECHNOLOGY is the one which cause war to evolved from the past to the present. An example can be seen from World War 2 against Japan. At first, it was a hard fight between America and Japan, but after nuclear bombs where introduced in the war, the Japanese surrendered in fight. However, an estimated 75,000 people lay dead, and the nature of war had changed, presumably forever.
However, technology did not change the nature of war. War remained what it had been since the time when the first band of cavemen, carrying sticks and stones, went out to attack its neighbor. It was still as brutal as before, or maybe even worse. Technology was used to advance or defend the interests of the group or organization that waged it, it also remained an instrument of politics. All this was as true in 2000 BCE, and presumably 50,000 BCE, as it was in 1945.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Reflection on the "The Soldier"
1. Annually, we need young men in Singapore to do national service. Why do you think national service is compulsory in Singapore and why is this important.
I think that it teaches the young a sense of responsibility and duty. Also, it provides manpower for meeting minimum military force requirements. It provides training to civilians, which serves as a well-prepared military force in times of war or emergency. It is important as it emphasize a sense of belonging to the Singapore and induce national loyalty in the soldiers. National Service is important as it helps to create a bond between people of different races. It is there where people learn to appreciate the differences of different religion and culture. This shows us that national service not only help us bond with different races and make friends, it also give Singaporeans a sense of patriotism and pride of our country.
2. In the above poem, the speaker expresses his love for the country, England. Do you have the same spirit of patriotism towards Singapore? Why?Do you find this same spirit of patriotism in Singapore.
Hmm... this is a little hard to answer. Although I cherish Singapore a lot as it is the place where I am born and where my family is, I am not so extreme to sacrifice myself like the author in war, who is willing to give his all and die for his country. I will only do it when it is really necessary. I will go to war if I am forced and will fight my best, however I may not have the same spirit of patriotism as the author.
In Singapore, not many have a sense of patriotism. However, if there is a war, which involved Singapore, people in Singapore may have a sense of patriotism as it is said that the worst usually bring out the best in people.
I think that it teaches the young a sense of responsibility and duty. Also, it provides manpower for meeting minimum military force requirements. It provides training to civilians, which serves as a well-prepared military force in times of war or emergency. It is important as it emphasize a sense of belonging to the Singapore and induce national loyalty in the soldiers. National Service is important as it helps to create a bond between people of different races. It is there where people learn to appreciate the differences of different religion and culture. This shows us that national service not only help us bond with different races and make friends, it also give Singaporeans a sense of patriotism and pride of our country.
2. In the above poem, the speaker expresses his love for the country, England. Do you have the same spirit of patriotism towards Singapore? Why?Do you find this same spirit of patriotism in Singapore.
Hmm... this is a little hard to answer. Although I cherish Singapore a lot as it is the place where I am born and where my family is, I am not so extreme to sacrifice myself like the author in war, who is willing to give his all and die for his country. I will only do it when it is really necessary. I will go to war if I am forced and will fight my best, however I may not have the same spirit of patriotism as the author.
In Singapore, not many have a sense of patriotism. However, if there is a war, which involved Singapore, people in Singapore may have a sense of patriotism as it is said that the worst usually bring out the best in people.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Percy Jackson And The Last Olympian

In the " Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian, Percy Jackson, the main character for this book, and his friends are fighting in a war that resembles the Greek Gods and the Titans. Prometheus notes during a parley between him and Percy that the battle for Manhattan is like the Battle of Troy, except that now Olympus is Troy.
The book started off with Percy and Beckendorf blowing Princess Andromeda, a ship that Kronos the leader of titans was on, with the cost of Beckendorf's life. Percy flees into his father, Poseidon's place under the sea. From there, he returned to Camp Half-blood, where other demi-gods lived in.
Soon after returning, he left wit Nico, the son of Hades, to find out how he could defeat Luke, the host of Kronos when the time comes (according to the prophecy). After visiting Luke's mother and talking with Hestia, Percy recieved a blessing from his mother, descends into the Underworld for the second time, and bathes in the River Styx like Achilles and Luke, who was then able to host Kronos, before him. He left Nico to convince Hades to take part in the war and return to the human world.
Percy then organizes the demigod campers (excluding the Ares cabin), and prepares for a battle for their's and the humans' life. Before the war starts, New York City is silenced by way of a powerful sleeping spell by Morpheus, god of dreams. Despite having reinforcement from the Hunters of Artemis, satyrs, naiads, dryads, and other tree nymphs, Chiron's centaur cousins the Party Ponies, automatons fashioned by the late Daedalus, and the hellhound Mrs. O'Leary, they were still outnumbered by the forces of evil. However, kronos too, was not without losses, his brother, Hyperion, was defeated by Percy and was encased into a big maple tree.
Rachel, a mortal who can see through the Mist, flies from a family vacation to New York City (and strangely does not fall asleep) to tell Percy that he is not the hero of the Great Prophecy, and that it will influence his choice when he turns 16.
Driven back by the sheer forces to the blocks surrounding the Empire State building, Percy and his friends fight in a last stand to protect Mount Olympus, where the seats of the Gods were, from the massive army where Kronos has amassed. Even when Hades arrives with his undead army, Kronos still manages to break through and enter Olympus, seeking the seats of the Gods to destroy it.
Percy and Kronos battle in the throne room of Olympus, Luke was shocked back when he remembers his promise of family to Annabeth as he sent her flying across the throne room. As Luke got control of his body back from Kronos, he hope that Percy would pass him the dagger and Luke would commit suicide along with Kronos. This cause Percy to be in a dilemma as Luke may use this opportunity to attack Percy when he is unarmed. Anyway, after being convinced by Annabeth, he passed the dagger to Luke who then stab at the mortal point, which resulted in death. This ended the war and made Percy realized that Luke was the hero in the great prophecy. With Posiedon ambushing Typhon at the Hudson River, the Olympians manage to send the demon down to Tartarus.
In the throne room, Percy, Grover, Annabeth, Thalia, and Tyson were rewarded by the Gods for the help that the Gods received. Percy was given godhood by apparently he refused. He forces the gods to swear on the River Styx that they will recognize all of their children by the time they turn 13. At camp, new cabins are built for every gods.
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Devil's Teeth by Susan Casey

Like most obsessions in life, the author, Susan Casey's interest starting when she was watching the video documentary on BBC and was riveted by the sight of two men, Peter who is a famous ornithologist and Scot Anderson, sitting in a tiny boat surrounded by enormous great white shark at least 18 feet in length. She was shocked how the two scientist could thrive in such dangerous situation, thus igniting her interest in sharks. A few months later after watching the documentary, she found herself in the same situation as Peter and Scot in Southeast Farallon Island. These islands, originally dubbed "The Devil's Teeth" by sailors in the 1850s due to their dangerous and forbidding nature. This place also gave the book, " The Devil's Teeth its name.
Even though Farallon Island is only 27 miles from the main island, San Francisco, it is nearly impossible to be accessible to humans, and is a popular place for great white sharks to gather in the month of September and October. As a result, the wild Great White Sharks of the Farallons are among most studied great white sharks in the world. In some parts of the book, Susan Casey touches the on the history of seabird, whale and seal over-exploitation, politics, greed and human habitation. Although the author did not have many first hand experience on sharks, she has many second hand experience of the great white shark.
This book was written mainly to educate the public on the great white sharks. There were descriptions of the sharks, such as whiteslash, who was describe as maternal and gentle. Despite the ferocious looks on their faces, these amazing fishes are elegant and graceful in the water. The book tells us about Susan pursuing her desire to learn more about the great white shark from biologist from the island, Farallon.
The Devil's Teeth by Susan Casey
Like most obsessions in life, the author, Susan Casey's interest starting when she was watching the video documentary on BBC and was riveted by the sight of two men, Peter who is a famous ornithologist and Scot Anderson, sitting in a tiny boat surrounded by enormous great white shark at least 18 feet in length. She was shocked how the two scientist could thrive in such dangerous situation, thus igniting her interest in sharks. A few months later after watching the documentary, she found herself in the same situation as Peter and Scot in Southeast Farallon Island. These islands, originally dubbed "The Devil's Teeth" by sailors in the 1850s due to their dangerous and forbidding nature. This place also gave the book, " The Devil's Teeth its name.
Even though Farallon Island is only 27 miles from the main island, San Francisco, it is nearly impossible to be accessible to humans, and is a popular place for great white sharks to gather in the month of September and October. As a result, the wild Great White Sharks of the Farallons are among most studied great white sharks in the world. In some parts of the book, Susan Casey touches the on the history of seabird, whale and seal over-exploitation, politics, greed and human habitation. Although the author did not have many first hand experience on sharks, she has many second hand experience of the great white shark.
This book was written mainly to educate the public on the great white sharks. There were descriptions of the sharks, such as whiteslash, who was describe as maternal and gentle. Despite the ferocious looks on their faces, these amazing fishes are elegant and graceful in the water. The book tells us about Susan pursuing her desire to learn more about the great white shark from biologist from the island, Farallon.
Even though Farallon Island is only 27 miles from the main island, San Francisco, it is nearly impossible to be accessible to humans, and is a popular place for great white sharks to gather in the month of September and October. As a result, the wild Great White Sharks of the Farallons are among most studied great white sharks in the world. In some parts of the book, Susan Casey touches the on the history of seabird, whale and seal over-exploitation, politics, greed and human habitation. Although the author did not have many first hand experience on sharks, she has many second hand experience of the great white shark.
This book was written mainly to educate the public on the great white sharks. There were descriptions of the sharks, such as whiteslash, who was describe as maternal and gentle. Despite the ferocious looks on their faces, these amazing fishes are elegant and graceful in the water. The book tells us about Susan pursuing her desire to learn more about the great white shark from biologist from the island, Farallon.
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