Have you ever heard of the Hokkien word, " kiasu"? It usually applies to Singaporeans. The word "kiasu" means that one must be always be better than someone and one must have what others have. Our "Kiasium" is attributed to our competitiveness in virtually everything, ranging from education, sports to many others. It is an unmistakable Singaporean identity, which make us unique in a certain way.
A company " Grabber " was about to close down. It was a world-wide known company, who sell good quality printers at a high price. Since it was about to close down, it had to break even the price, so that they would be able to earn as much as they could in the shortest time possible before they close down. Those printer were sold at a 75% discount in Parkway Parade, while stocks last. The shop was due to open at 10a.m, but the mall was chock-a-block with lots of people even before 6a.m. As the door opened to start business, people tried rushing in first by pushing and pulling each other. Unfortunately, they were stopped by the sales men, who got them to line up properly first before the shop could be opened fully. They let the first 20 to get into the shop first to select their purchased their printers. As they finished, other shoppers went in. I waited in line impatiently for my turn. There were more than 20 people in front of me, even though I had waited for more than 3 hours to grab this once in a lifetime bargain. I stood there with my arms akimbo, tapping my foot as I looked frantically as other shoppers took away their hard-earned printers from the shelves.
" Would there be enough for me then? " I wondered to myself. As time dragged like an eternity, the queue finally grew shorter. Another person more and it would be my turn. Just as I thought I was finally getting the printer soon, the skinny auntie in front of me allowed her fat friend to cut the queue. Although I wasn't really concerned as there were still 7 printers left, but I irritated by her extending my waiting time. However, the crowd behind minded a lot about it. " Oi... cut queue ah?"they grumbled toward the aunties. Those aunties turned around and snorted at us before getting ready to purchased their merchandise. I was shocked. Even though the aunties cut the queue, they did not even feel apologetic about it, which made the crowd more furious. A auntie should have gotten a printer if not for the two aunties, stomped out of the queue and lumbered toward them like an angry bear, just as the auntie were about to enter the shop together. As they were entering the shop, the "bear" held both aunties back with her immense strength. They spun around, wondering who their " attacker" was. The "bear" stared at them as if daggers were coming out from it to stab them. Although they squirmed a bit from the stare, but managed to put on a bold front, with their head held up, not wanting to admit their mistakes. The onlookers knew a deadly brawl between the two forces was brewing soon.
We, Singaporeans, being busybodies rushed into the shop, wanting to join the commotion. Without any notice, the "bear" made the first deadly move; she swiftly held the aunties by their collars and screamed into their ears about how inconsiderate and unfair they were. But both aunties did not bother listening to her and even said that the “bear” was “kiasu”, stupid and fat. The “bear” was so shock about the comment about her that she momentarily released the aunties from their “demise”. Using this opportunity, both aunties pushed the heavy “bear” out of the way to continue their shopping, but the push was a little too powerful that the “bear” could not keep her balanced that she crashed onto the “priceless” printers. The two aunties laughed at the sight, while the crowd were astound or disappointed that the printers were gone by the sheer weight. Recovered from the pushed, she stood up and pointed a finger at the two aunties, indicating the “you are dead” sign.
Suddenly, the two aunties made a racist remark of the “bear” about how her race was all fat and ugly. Everyone was confounded with those racist remarks. The crowd grew more and more unsettled and the atmosphere changed from excited from the purchase of printers to nervous from the argument. Although in Singapore, racist remarks were not prohibited but were dangerous as they incite people’s feelings and caused problems. To defend herself and her race, the “bear” also made racist remarks of the other two aunties. As they continued with their argument, they grew bolder and bolder with the words; they started clenching their fist, ready for a brawl.
Seeing this, the sales manager who was on looking at the corner decided to step in and break up the fight, while the other sales men held the aunties back to prevent further fights. As the sales manager warned them that how racist remarks could hurt and incite feeling, they stared at each other not wanting to admit they were wrong. When the sales manager requested them to compensate for the damages, they started shouting that they were not at fault and it was the other aunties’ fault, not theirs. They struggled with the sales men who held them back, trying to break free and beat up the opposite party. Seeing the aunties not wanting to admit their mistakes, the crowd booed. With so many people looking at them doing something wrong, even the thickest skin person would feel embarrassed. The aunties looked around at the numerous people booing at them and hung their heads in shame. They had regretted their actions. They decided to spilt the compensation into three, before making off swiftly as they did not want to lose any more of their pride.
Although I did not buy any printers that day, I was able to learn that this Singaporean identity can be ugly as evidenced by the incident described above. But for this, Singaporeans are lovely people and all foreigners would say “ Yeah!”
Monday, February 28, 2011
Picture - Setting
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Telephone Conversation
The following is the poem,"Telephone Conversation":
Wole Soyinka
The price seemed reasonable, location
Indifferent. The landlady swore she lived
Off premises. Nothing remained
But self-confession. 'Madam,' I warned,
'I hate a wasted journey - I am African.'
Silence. Silenced transmission of
Pressurized good-breeding. Voice, when it came,
Lipstick coated, long gold-rolled
Cigarette-holder pipped. Caught I was, foully.
'HOW DARK?' . . . I had not misheard. . . . 'ARE YOU LIGHT
OR VERY DARK?' Button B. Button A. Stench
Of rancid breath of public hide-and-speak.
Red booth. Red pillar-box. Red double-tiered
Omnibus squelching tar. It was real! Shamed
By ill-mannered silence, surrender
Pushed dumbfounded to beg simplification.
Considerate she was, varying the emphasis -
'ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT?' Revelation came.
'You mean - like plain or milk chocolate?'
Her assent was clinical, crushing in its light
Impersonality. Rapidly, wave-length adjusted,
I chose. 'West African sepia' - and as afterthought,
'Down in my passport.' Silence for spectroscopic
Flight of fancy, till truthfulness clanged her accent
Hard on the mouthpiece. 'WHAT'S THAT?' conceding
'DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS.' 'Like brunette.'
'THAT'S DARK, ISN'T IT?' 'Not altogether.
Facially, I am brunette, but madam, you should see
The rest of me. Palm of my hand, soles of my feet
Are a peroxide blonde. Friction, caused -
Foolishly madam - by sitting down, has turned
My bottom raven black - One moment madam!' - sensing
Her receiver rearing on the thunderclap
About my ears - 'Madam,' I pleaded, 'wouldn't you rather
See for yourself?'
Q1. This poem is full of colours not just that of skin, what do you think these colours signify?
In line 10, the landlady ask the persona, who was an African American if he was dark and light because she was afraid that a African American was seen in the house. In the past, African American were resented and hated by the white because the Whites thought that they were poor and weak. Also, when a white let a African American stayed in their house, it meant that they were poor and weak and were often teased. This cause the landlady to ask if the persona was light or dark as a white may come from Africa. Or she might be able to disguise the persona as a white if he was light compared to his race. In line 13,the poet uses the word "red" three times, which are "Red booth. Red pillar-box. Red double-tiered". This was used to express the persona's anger and resentment to the land lay who was insulting his race, the African American, because she thought that the African American are of lesser race, which was false. In other words, from line 10 to line 17, the persona felt insulted by the landlady as he knew that the African American were not weak and poor brutes that everyone knew.
Q2. What does the dialogue in this poem reveal about these two characters?
The dialogue in this poem shows that the landlady was rich but dislike the African American as she feel that they were poor, weak and lazy, which meant that the persona was of a lesser race. She also felt that the persona and his race were not smart and witty, but the poem revealed that the persona was in fact witty and as able to outsmart her, causing her to shrink in shame and fear. And most importantly, he was able to defend himself from the insulting comment of the landlady.
Q3. Who wins in the end?
In the end, the persona won as he was able to use his wits to show the landlady who was boss and that his race was not to be discriminated by others as they were in fact witty and equal to the whites.
Wole Soyinka
The price seemed reasonable, location
Indifferent. The landlady swore she lived
Off premises. Nothing remained
But self-confession. 'Madam,' I warned,
'I hate a wasted journey - I am African.'
Silence. Silenced transmission of
Pressurized good-breeding. Voice, when it came,
Lipstick coated, long gold-rolled
Cigarette-holder pipped. Caught I was, foully.
'HOW DARK?' . . . I had not misheard. . . . 'ARE YOU LIGHT
OR VERY DARK?' Button B. Button A. Stench
Of rancid breath of public hide-and-speak.
Red booth. Red pillar-box. Red double-tiered
Omnibus squelching tar. It was real! Shamed
By ill-mannered silence, surrender
Pushed dumbfounded to beg simplification.
Considerate she was, varying the emphasis -
'ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT?' Revelation came.
'You mean - like plain or milk chocolate?'
Her assent was clinical, crushing in its light
Impersonality. Rapidly, wave-length adjusted,
I chose. 'West African sepia' - and as afterthought,
'Down in my passport.' Silence for spectroscopic
Flight of fancy, till truthfulness clanged her accent
Hard on the mouthpiece. 'WHAT'S THAT?' conceding
'DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS.' 'Like brunette.'
'THAT'S DARK, ISN'T IT?' 'Not altogether.
Facially, I am brunette, but madam, you should see
The rest of me. Palm of my hand, soles of my feet
Are a peroxide blonde. Friction, caused -
Foolishly madam - by sitting down, has turned
My bottom raven black - One moment madam!' - sensing
Her receiver rearing on the thunderclap
About my ears - 'Madam,' I pleaded, 'wouldn't you rather
See for yourself?'
Q1. This poem is full of colours not just that of skin, what do you think these colours signify?
In line 10, the landlady ask the persona, who was an African American if he was dark and light because she was afraid that a African American was seen in the house. In the past, African American were resented and hated by the white because the Whites thought that they were poor and weak. Also, when a white let a African American stayed in their house, it meant that they were poor and weak and were often teased. This cause the landlady to ask if the persona was light or dark as a white may come from Africa. Or she might be able to disguise the persona as a white if he was light compared to his race. In line 13,the poet uses the word "red" three times, which are "Red booth. Red pillar-box. Red double-tiered". This was used to express the persona's anger and resentment to the land lay who was insulting his race, the African American, because she thought that the African American are of lesser race, which was false. In other words, from line 10 to line 17, the persona felt insulted by the landlady as he knew that the African American were not weak and poor brutes that everyone knew.
Q2. What does the dialogue in this poem reveal about these two characters?
The dialogue in this poem shows that the landlady was rich but dislike the African American as she feel that they were poor, weak and lazy, which meant that the persona was of a lesser race. She also felt that the persona and his race were not smart and witty, but the poem revealed that the persona was in fact witty and as able to outsmart her, causing her to shrink in shame and fear. And most importantly, he was able to defend himself from the insulting comment of the landlady.
Q3. Who wins in the end?
In the end, the persona won as he was able to use his wits to show the landlady who was boss and that his race was not to be discriminated by others as they were in fact witty and equal to the whites.
Friday, February 11, 2011
LA story by Me!!!
Dear readers, this blog post is devoted to my LA assignment: "becoming an identity". The essay in the post must be related to the main character being a Singaporean or must be set in Singapore. Although my story is lousy and rubbish, please comment on it.
The story starts like this:
Before tourists come to Singapore, they would ask their friends and family members who had came to Singapore, how well the people of Singapore are and what landmarks are there in Singapore. So, they would reply that Singapore are full of landmarks
and it is a evergreen city, but about its people, there was not much positive comments. Also, they called Singapore " kiasu" and stingy because of some black sheep in our society. But for me, I think that Singaporeans are mostly gracious people, high standard and well-mannered people. Although Singaporeans "Obasan" might be a little kiasu as they love minding other people's business, bargaining and gossiping, but I still feel that they are actually peace-lovers and do not want anything to disrupt their daily lives and would try their best to prevent that from happening . At first, I too like the tourists did not believe that, but ever since I came face to face with a situation that to change my mind, I began to believe it. If you are like my younger self, perhaps this story might enlighten you. It starts like this...
It was a hot Saturday morning, the sun was so bright and hot that whenever I tried looking up, I was so taken back by the sun's heat and brightness that I instinctively closed my eyes. On that dreadful day, I was forced by my mother to do her shopping at the wet market as she had a lot of housework to do. " why did I even agree to do this" I grimaced as perspiration ran down my neck. Despite my complaining and groaning, I soon reached the wet market. It was my first time buying groceries alone, hence I was a little nervous, but luckily for me, my mother had told me
where all the stores were located beforehand.
It was a typical scene in the wet market. It was very wet as always, hence its name. There was also a fishy smell in the wet market which had lingered in the market for a long time. At every shops, there were lots of aunties crowding around th shop owner, trying to bargain for a lower price and some people fighting over a certain product such as fish, chicken etc. Swiftly, I went on with my shopping and I wanted to get away from this terrible from this terrible horrible stench of dead fishes, which always send goosebumps all over me.
Just as I was shopping at my last stop, I heard a terrible, blood curling scream. Curious, I quickly bought what I came for and went to see what the commotion was about. Using my sense of hearing, i managed to efficiently, tracked down where this ear-piercing came from. I squeezed through the crowd and found out that two aunties were quarreling on who should be the one taking home to the last basket of vegetables that was both in their grips. One said that that she took it first, while the other said it was not true. Each of them were holding on to one side of the basket, tugging towards themselves just like the tug of war. After a few minute of tug of war, the basket gave way and all the the vegetables spew on the floor. The two aunties look astound and the shop owner said," my vegetables! You two are going to pay for what you have done!" The two aunties looked at each other and pointed fingers at each other and began to continue their yelling and quarreling. Suddenly, one of the auntie made a racist comment about the other auntie. Everyone was shocked that she had made a racist comment as it is prohibited in Singapore. Soon after, the whole market was filled with racist comments as the other auntie wanted to get revenge on the other one. As they grew bolder with their words by the minute, they started clenching their fist, ready for a brawl.
"Oh my god", I muttered under my breath. From the start, I knew that everyone present would not step in as they would not like to get involve in the fight as they would just like to watching this exciting show. Just as they were about to pull out each others hair, lots of Singaporean stepped in to prevent the fight, some of them held an arm of the two furious aunties, while a man started lecturing and warning them that saying a racist comments were prohibited in Singapore and you could get fined from it. He also told them that if we wanted Singapore to be peaceful, we must never fight and instead help and understand others. Upon hearing this, the two aunties hung their head in shame after listening to the man. In the end, both of them decided to equally pay for the vegetables.
So, after the incident, I learned that Singaporeans are not also unhelpful and stingy, instead, they are kind and understanding and love peace in their society.
--- THE END---
The story starts like this:
Before tourists come to Singapore, they would ask their friends and family members who had came to Singapore, how well the people of Singapore are and what landmarks are there in Singapore. So, they would reply that Singapore are full of landmarks
and it is a evergreen city, but about its people, there was not much positive comments. Also, they called Singapore " kiasu" and stingy because of some black sheep in our society. But for me, I think that Singaporeans are mostly gracious people, high standard and well-mannered people. Although Singaporeans "Obasan" might be a little kiasu as they love minding other people's business, bargaining and gossiping, but I still feel that they are actually peace-lovers and do not want anything to disrupt their daily lives and would try their best to prevent that from happening . At first, I too like the tourists did not believe that, but ever since I came face to face with a situation that to change my mind, I began to believe it. If you are like my younger self, perhaps this story might enlighten you. It starts like this...
It was a hot Saturday morning, the sun was so bright and hot that whenever I tried looking up, I was so taken back by the sun's heat and brightness that I instinctively closed my eyes. On that dreadful day, I was forced by my mother to do her shopping at the wet market as she had a lot of housework to do. " why did I even agree to do this" I grimaced as perspiration ran down my neck. Despite my complaining and groaning, I soon reached the wet market. It was my first time buying groceries alone, hence I was a little nervous, but luckily for me, my mother had told me
where all the stores were located beforehand.
It was a typical scene in the wet market. It was very wet as always, hence its name. There was also a fishy smell in the wet market which had lingered in the market for a long time. At every shops, there were lots of aunties crowding around th shop owner, trying to bargain for a lower price and some people fighting over a certain product such as fish, chicken etc. Swiftly, I went on with my shopping and I wanted to get away from this terrible from this terrible horrible stench of dead fishes, which always send goosebumps all over me.
Just as I was shopping at my last stop, I heard a terrible, blood curling scream. Curious, I quickly bought what I came for and went to see what the commotion was about. Using my sense of hearing, i managed to efficiently, tracked down where this ear-piercing came from. I squeezed through the crowd and found out that two aunties were quarreling on who should be the one taking home to the last basket of vegetables that was both in their grips. One said that that she took it first, while the other said it was not true. Each of them were holding on to one side of the basket, tugging towards themselves just like the tug of war. After a few minute of tug of war, the basket gave way and all the the vegetables spew on the floor. The two aunties look astound and the shop owner said," my vegetables! You two are going to pay for what you have done!" The two aunties looked at each other and pointed fingers at each other and began to continue their yelling and quarreling. Suddenly, one of the auntie made a racist comment about the other auntie. Everyone was shocked that she had made a racist comment as it is prohibited in Singapore. Soon after, the whole market was filled with racist comments as the other auntie wanted to get revenge on the other one. As they grew bolder with their words by the minute, they started clenching their fist, ready for a brawl.
"Oh my god", I muttered under my breath. From the start, I knew that everyone present would not step in as they would not like to get involve in the fight as they would just like to watching this exciting show. Just as they were about to pull out each others hair, lots of Singaporean stepped in to prevent the fight, some of them held an arm of the two furious aunties, while a man started lecturing and warning them that saying a racist comments were prohibited in Singapore and you could get fined from it. He also told them that if we wanted Singapore to be peaceful, we must never fight and instead help and understand others. Upon hearing this, the two aunties hung their head in shame after listening to the man. In the end, both of them decided to equally pay for the vegetables.
So, after the incident, I learned that Singaporeans are not also unhelpful and stingy, instead, they are kind and understanding and love peace in their society.
--- THE END---
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
My comic strip of the Great White Shark

Why did you choose the different pictures or background(s)?
I did it to show off the speed and brawn of the Great White Shark. It creates a image of how the Great White Shark is in fact a dangerous, ferocious, but cool animal.
How do they contribute to the elements (plot, setting, characterization) of your narrative?
In the first picture, it show a shark breaching in other words jumping to the air during sunset. It is used to signify the Great White Sharks' speed and brawn and how it catches its prey with ease and beauty.
In the second one, the picture shows a Great White Shark swimming behind a guy in a canoe( people like Bram and Qiyuan will kill me when they see it ). This is used to emphasize on how big a Great White Shark can grow to and how fast it can swim. Imagine yourself like the guy in picture paddling for your life but no avail. It is also to show how it is the emperor of the seas as everyone is afraid of it.
In the third picture, it is very similar to the first one, but for this it is in broad daylight. It is used more to show the speed and power of this species of sharks as when it is about to breach a lot of splashes surrounded the body of it.
In th last picture (which is my favorite), shows the full terror of the shark, showing the full set of teeth of the shark. It tells the readers how dangerous this shark is and with one bite, you are gone!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
How Was Oceans Formed

Firstly, the Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has enough oxygen and water to support life, but it was not like that at first, in actual fact, it was the opposite. Earth did not have an atmosphere or oxygen. Only helium and nitrogen were present. When Earth was first formed, it was hit by a continuous stream of rocks from space. These rocks collided with Earth and as a result, immense heat was generated from these collisions, causing the rocks to melt. At this moment, radioactive elements on the Earth also released a lot of heat, causing heavier elements such as iron and nickel to sink deep into the centre of the Earth to form its core. The layer surrounding the core is the mantle, which is in a partially molten state. About 4 billion years ago, the Earth's surface cooled and solidified to form the topmost layer, which is called the crust. The crust was broken down into several rock fragments, called tectonic plates that float on the mantle. These plate moved past each other causing them to collide and causing friction. This built up pressure under the crust, which led to volcanic eruptions that caused cracks on the Earth's surface.
When this happens, Gases, such as hydrogen, nitrogen and water vapour burst through the cracks in the crust. These constant slowly led to the formation of the atmosphere. When the water vapour condensed to form clouds that enveloped the Earth and eventually brought rain. However, the Earth's surface was so hot that the rainwater evaporated immediately. As the rains continued, the Earth began to cool and the volcanic activity decreased. Water poured down for thousands of years to fill up the huge pits and form the oceans. The rain also formed smaller bodies of water such as rivers and lakes. At high attitude, the water froze and fell as snow. the snow melted and flowed down the mountain as streams and rivers.
Forms Of Discriminations
Firstly, I posted this post for my LA( language art ) homework, which is needed to be posted on my blog. On this post, I would be writing about the many forms of discrimination that my class discuss during lesson.
These discrimination are in the following:
1) Based on ancestry
2) Based on race
3) Based on gender
4) Based on education
5) Based on sex
6) Reverse discrimination
7) Based on disability
8) Based on sexual orientation
9) Based on employment
10) Based on age
11) Based on appearance
12) Based on intelligence
13) Based on perception
14) Based on medical problems
15) Based on nationality
16) Based on marital status
17) Based on economic
18) Based on background
19) Based on economic status
20) Based on genes based on political affiliation
21) Based on brand
22) Based on religion
Employment can be based on the - nationality,sex,disability,marital status,religion,education,appearance,age,background,race and ancestry
Education can be based on - intelligence, background and perception
These discrimination are in the following:
1) Based on ancestry
2) Based on race
3) Based on gender
4) Based on education
5) Based on sex
6) Reverse discrimination
7) Based on disability
8) Based on sexual orientation
9) Based on employment
10) Based on age
11) Based on appearance
12) Based on intelligence
13) Based on perception
14) Based on medical problems
15) Based on nationality
16) Based on marital status
17) Based on economic
18) Based on background
19) Based on economic status
20) Based on genes based on political affiliation
21) Based on brand
22) Based on religion
Employment can be based on the - nationality,sex,disability,marital status,religion,education,appearance,age,background,race and ancestry
Education can be based on - intelligence, background and perception
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